

Obrázek + Description:

  • English: Diagram of a CODOG propulsion system for one shaft (there are usually two).
    Not that in reality the clutches and gearboxes would be arranged differently, it's just to show the principle.
  • Deutsch: CODOG Schema
  • Français : Schéma dy système de propulsion maritime CODOG (Combined diesel or gas)
  • Polski: CODOG diagram
  • Date: 2 December 2005
  • Author: Alureiter
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

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současná26. 6. 2024, 15:01Náhled verze z 26. 6. 2024, 15:01496×262 (18 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Obrázek + Description: * English: Diagram of a CODOG propulsion system for one shaft (there are usually two).<br />Not that in reality the clutches and gearboxes would be arranged differently, it's just to show the principle. * Deutsch: CODOG Schema * )

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