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Soubor:Core collapse scenario.png

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Core_collapse_scenario.png (rozměr: 759 × 567 pixelů, velikost souboru: 146 kB, MIME typ: image/png)
Obrázek + Description: Simplified core collapse scenario: (a) A massive, evolved star has onion-layered shells of elements undergoing fusion. An inert iron core is formed from the fusion of Silicon in the inner-most shell. (b) This iron core reaches Chandrasekhar-mass and starts to collapse, with the outer core (black arrows) moving at supersonic velocity (shocked) while the denser inner core (white arrows) travel sub-sonically; (c) The inner core compresses into neutrons and the gravitational energy is converted into neutrinos. (d) The infalling material bounces off the nucleus and forms an outward-propagating shock wave (red). (e) The shock begins to stall as nuclear processes drain energy away, but it is re-invigorated by interaction with neutrinos. (f) The material outside the inner core is ejected, leaving behind only a degenerate remnant.
- Date: 18 December 2006
- Source: Illustration by contributor (After Modelling Supernovae with PHOENIX.)
- Author: R.J. Hall
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Datum a čas | Náhled | Rozměry | Uživatel | Komentář | |
současná | 9. 10. 2014, 08:15 | ![]() | 759×567 (146 kB) | Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) | (Fotografie+150) |
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