Soubor:France-000312-Louis XIV-SUN KING-DJFlickr.jpg


GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: France-000312 – Louis XIV – SUN KING (Taken on June 22, 2014, Sony NEX-7)

  • Louis XIV (5 September, 1638 – 1 September, 1715), known as Louis the Great or the Sun King. He had Versailles expanded into one of the largest palaces in the world.
  • The Palace of Versailles is a royal château in Versailles in the Île-de-France region. When the château was built, Versailles was a country village, today it is a wealthy suburb of Paris, some 20 kilometres southwest. The court of Versailles was the center of political power in France from 1682, when Louis XIV moved from Paris, until the royal family was forced to return to the capital in October 1789 after the beginning of the French Revolution.
  • Versailles, Ile-de-France, France
  • Author: Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada

+ pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic


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současná1. 11. 2016, 10:43Náhled verze z 1. 11. 2016, 10:434 000×6 000 (21,53 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (GIGANTICKÁ Fotografie + English: (Taken on June 25, 2014, Sony NEX-7) * Author: '''Dennis Jarvis''' from Halifax, Canada + pochází z , kde má status – Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic FLICKR --- [[Kategorie:CC fo)

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