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Soubor:James Webb telescope sunshield.jpg


Fotografie + Description:

  • English: NASA: The Sunshield on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is the largest part of the observatory—five layers of thin membrane that must unfurl reliably in space to precise tolerances. Last week, for the first time, engineers stacked and unfurled a full-sized test unit of the Sunshield and it worked perfectly.
  • The Sunshield is about the length of a tennis court, and will be folded up like an umbrella around the Webb telescope’s mirrors and instruments during launch. Once it reaches its orbit, the Webb telescope will receive a command from Earth to unfold, and separate the Sunshield's five layers into their precisely stacked arrangement with its kite-like shape.
  • The Sunshield test unit was stacked and expanded at a cleanroom in the Northrop Grumman facility in Redondo Beach, California.
  • Date: 10 July 2014
  • Source:
  • Author: Chris Gunn - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is in the public domain in the United States because it was solely created by NASA.
NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
(Use of NASA logos, insignia and emblems is restricted per U.S. law 14 CFR 1221)

Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná19. 7. 2022, 16:27Náhled verze z 19. 7. 2022, 16:274 928×3 280 (645 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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