Soubor:Oceanias Regions.png


Mapa + Čeština: Regiony Oceánie.

  • Deutsch: Regionen Ozeaniens.
  • English: Regions of Oceania. Regions of Oceania: In its narrow usage Oceania refers to Polynesia (including New Zealand), Melanesia (including New Guinea) and Micronesia. In wider usage it includes Australia. It may also include the Malay archipelago. In uncommon usage it includes islands such as Japan and the Aleutian Islands.
  • Limburgs: Regio's van Oceanië.
  • Русский: Регионы Океании.
  • Саха тыла: Океания регионнара.
  • Svenska: Oceaniens regioner.
  • Date: 17 February 2008
  • Author: ASDFGH at English Wikipedia

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This work has been released into the public domain by its author, ASDFGH at English Wikipedia. This applies worldwide.

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