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Soubor:Vacuum-aspiration (single).png


Obrázek + Description: English:

  1. Amniotic sac
  2. Embryo
  3. Uterine lining
  4. Speculum
  5. Vacurette
  6. The vacurette is attached to a suction pump
  • A diagram of a vacuum aspiration abortion procedure at 8 weeks gestation. The vagina is held opened by a speculum [4] in order for a tube (called a vacurette [5]) which is attached [6] to a suction pump to be inserted through the patient's cervix. The products of conception (amionic sac [1], embryo [2], uterine lining [3], etc) are then evacuated through the vacurette.
  • I used Image:SpirellaCorsetry02.gif as tracing reference for the hands and Image:Illu repdt female.jpg as tracing reference for the internal organs and body outline. The references I used for the procedure itself come from two sources: Jones, R. E. and Lopez, K. H. Human Reproductive Biology. p. 425; and Decherney, A. H. and Pernoll, M. L. Current Obstetric & Gynecologic Diagnosis & Treatment. p. 684.
  • Date: 9 February 2009
  • Author: Andrew c
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současná23. 8. 2020, 09:09Náhled verze z 23. 8. 2020, 09:092 000×1 500 (402 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + )

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