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Fotografie letadla + English: Sukhoi Su-22M4 Fitter
* Final production version with considerably upgraded avionics, including RSDN navigation (similar to LORAN), beacon navigation, inertial navigation, a more powerful (Klyon) "Kлён-54" laser rangefinder, radio compass, and SPO-15LE ("Sirena") radar-warning system. Additional fuselage inlets (including ram-air inlet at the base of the fin) to improve engine cooling airflow, fixed air intake shock cone. Many aircraft were equipped for the use of TV-guided missiles and BA-58 Vjuga pod for anti-radiation missiles. AL-21F-3 engine. Export version was designated Su-22M4 (factory S-54K). First flight: 19 June 1980 with Yu. A. Yegorov at the controls. Su-17M4 was manufactured 1981–1988, Su-22M4 was manufactured 1983–1990.
* The Su-17M4 differed from the Su-17M3 in the removal of the inlet cone control system, which restricted the maximum allowable flight speed to Mach 1.75. The inlet cone housed the Klyon-54 laser rangefinder. The avionics again differed significantly from the Su-17M4's predecessors - a new A-312 Radikal NP close- and A-720 Skip-2 long-range navigation systems, an ARK-22 radio compass, an MRP-66 radio beacon receiver, an RV-21 Impuls (A-035) radio altimeter, and the DISS-7 Doppler velocity sensor, air signal systems, the IKV-8 intertial attitude indicator inherited from the Su-17M2. The Vyuga target designator pod could be carried in a BA-58 pod under the fuselage, which would enable the use of the Kh-27PS, -58U or E missiles.
+ pochází z mého výletu do [[Letecké muzeum Kbely|muzea civilního a vojenského letectví]] ve Kbelích během srpna 2009.
Povoluji její použití pod licencí – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
Author: Michal Pohořelský,
[[Kategorie:CC Czech]]
[[Kategorie:Letecké muzeum Praha 2014]]
[[Kategorie:Aircraft Sukhoi Su-17]]

Aktuální verze z 13. 12. 2021, 09:55

Fotografie letadla + English: Sukhoi Su-22M4 Fitter

  • Final production version with considerably upgraded avionics, including RSDN navigation (similar to LORAN), beacon navigation, inertial navigation, a more powerful (Klyon) "Kлён-54" laser rangefinder, radio compass, and SPO-15LE ("Sirena") radar-warning system. Additional fuselage inlets (including ram-air inlet at the base of the fin) to improve engine cooling airflow, fixed air intake shock cone. Many aircraft were equipped for the use of TV-guided missiles and BA-58 Vjuga pod for anti-radiation missiles. AL-21F-3 engine. Export version was designated Su-22M4 (factory S-54K). First flight: 19 June 1980 with Yu. A. Yegorov at the controls. Su-17M4 was manufactured 1981–1988, Su-22M4 was manufactured 1983–1990.
  • The Su-17M4 differed from the Su-17M3 in the removal of the inlet cone control system, which restricted the maximum allowable flight speed to Mach 1.75. The inlet cone housed the Klyon-54 laser rangefinder. The avionics again differed significantly from the Su-17M4's predecessors - a new A-312 Radikal NP close- and A-720 Skip-2 long-range navigation systems, an ARK-22 radio compass, an MRP-66 radio beacon receiver, an RV-21 Impuls (A-035) radio altimeter, and the DISS-7 Doppler velocity sensor, air signal systems, the IKV-8 intertial attitude indicator inherited from the Su-17M2. The Vyuga target designator pod could be carried in a BA-58 pod under the fuselage, which would enable the use of the Kh-27PS, -58U or E missiles.

+ pochází z mého výletu do muzea civilního a vojenského letectví ve Kbelích během srpna 2009.

Povoluji její použití pod licencí – Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Author: Michal Pohořelský,

Historie souboru

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Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná12. 10. 2014, 10:52Náhled verze z 12. 10. 2014, 10:522 592×1 944 (2,35 MB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Muzeum+K14)

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