Soubor:Solar sys.jpg


(Rozdíly mezi verzemi)
(Fotografie + Ulysses + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status –)
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Řádka 1: Řádka 1:
Fotografie + Ulysses + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status –
Fotografie + The Solar System, (not to scale - actually very very far from the real scale - creating a scale image of the solar system with detailed representations of all its major bodies would not likely be feasible - see solar system model ) showing the Sun, Inner Planets, Asteroid Belt, Outer Planets, the largest object in the Kuiper Belt - Pluto (originally classified as a planet), and a comet.
* Deutsch: Das Sonnensystem, zeigt die Sonne, die inneren Planeten, den Asteroidengürtel, die äußeren Planeten, Pluto und einen Kometen. Die Grafik ist bei weitem nicht maßstabsgetreu.
+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".
[[Kategorie:PD United States]]
[[Kategorie:NASA images]]

Aktuální verze z 12. 9. 2013, 06:35

Fotografie + The Solar System, (not to scale - actually very very far from the real scale - creating a scale image of the solar system with detailed representations of all its major bodies would not likely be feasible - see solar system model ) showing the Sun, Inner Planets, Asteroid Belt, Outer Planets, the largest object in the Kuiper Belt - Pluto (originally classified as a planet), and a comet.

  • Deutsch: Das Sonnensystem, zeigt die Sonne, die inneren Planeten, den Asteroidengürtel, die äußeren Planeten, Pluto und einen Kometen. Die Grafik ist bei weitem nicht maßstabsgetreu.

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – This file is in the public domain because it was solely created by NASA. NASA copyright policy states that "NASA material is not protected by copyright unless noted".

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současná9. 9. 2013, 13:45Náhled verze z 9. 9. 2013, 13:451 440×904 (1,44 MB)Ulysses (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + Ulysses + pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – )

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