Soubor:QuinaultLakeCedar 7274c.jpg


Verze z 20. 6. 2013, 10:37; Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky)
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Fotografie + Quinault Lake Redcedar

  • Description: Thuja plicata
  • English: The largest known Western Redcedar, in the world with a wood volume of 500 cubic meters (17650 cu. ft.). It is 53.0 m (174 ft) high with a diameter of 5.94 m (19.5 ft.) at 1.37 m (4.5 ft.) above the ground. (Van Pelt, Robert, 2001, Forest Giants of the Pacific Coast, University of Washington Press.)
  • Viewpoint location: Near the northwest shore of Quinault Lake north of Aberdeen, Washington, about 34 km (21 miles) from the Pacific Ocean. It is near Higley Creek in the southwest corner of Olympic National Park.
  • Viewpoint elevation: 400'
  • View direction: North
  • Camera: Canon PowerShot S110
  • Photographer: © 2005 Walter Siegmund

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – Svobodné licence GNU pro dokumenty verze 1.2 nebo libovolné vyšší verze (autor: Walter Siegmund)

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současná20. 6. 2013, 10:37Náhled verze z 20. 6. 2013, 10:37620×775 (284 kB)Sysop (diskuse | příspěvky) (Fotografie + Quinault Lake Redcedar * Description: Thuja plicata * English: The largest known Western Redcedar, in the world with a wood volume of 500 cubic meters (17650 cu. ft.). It is 53.0 m (174 ft) high with a diameter of 5.94 m (19.5 ft.) at 1.37 m)

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