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Soubor:Penrose Tiling (Rhombi).png

Z Multimediaexpo.cz

Obrázek + English: A Penrose tiling (P3) using thick and thin rhombi. Note the aperiodic structure, shared by all Penrose tilings. This particular Penrose tiling exhibits exact five-fold symmetry.

  • Date: 1 February 2009
  • Author: Inductiveload

+ pochází z Wikimedia Commons, kde má status – I, the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This applies worldwide.

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současná14. 6. 2015, 13:46Náhled verze z 14. 6. 2015, 13:461 000×1 000 (341 kB)Student85 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Obrázek + English: A Penrose tiling (P3) using thick and thin rhombi. Note the aperiodic structure, shared by all Penrose tilings. This particular Penrose tiling exhibits exact five-fold symmetry. * Date: 1 February 2009 * Author: Inductiveload + pochá)

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