Barry Schwartz
Barry Schwartz (* 1946) je americký sociolog a psycholog. Schwartz je profesorem na Swarthmore College[1] v USA. Publikuje často výsledky svých výzkumů v New York Times.
- B.A. New York University, 1968.
- Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1971 [2].
- The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, Ecco, 2004. (ISBN 0-06-000568-8, ISBN 0-06-000569-6) General thesis is that more choice doesn't mean better options or greater satisfaction.
- Psychology of Learning and Behavior, with Edward Wasserman and Steven Robbins
- The Costs of Living: How Market Freedom Erodes the Best Things in Life, Xlibris Corporation, 2001. (ISBN 0-7388-5251-1)
- Learning and Memory, with Daniel Reisberg
- The Battle for Human Nature: Science, Morality and Modern Life
- Behaviorism, Science, and Human Nature, with Hugh Lacey, W. W. Norton & Company, 1983. (ISBN 0-393-01585-8)
Externí odkazy
- Český překlad videa o z července 2005 na TED konferenci v Oxfordu
- Lidé zpomalte
- Ekonomie a štěstí.Proč více nikdy není lépe
- Sporné výhody volné soutěže
- Speech at Pop!tech 2004
- Tech Talk ("The Paradox of Choice - Why More Is Less") given at Google on April 27, 2006
- Video of the talk by Barry Schwartz "The real crisis? We stopped being wise" at the TED Conference 2009
- Lecture:The paradox of choice
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