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The Singles (EP, Mike Oldfield)


The Singles“ je druhé EP britského multiinstrumentalisty Mika Oldfielda. Bylo vydáno někdy v průběhu roku 1981 (viz 1981 v hudbě).

„The Singles“ bylo vydáno na dvanáctipalcové gramofonové desce a neobsahuje žádnou předtím nevydanou skladbu. Jedná se spíše o malou kompilaci, která byla zřejmě určena pro japonský trh.[1]

Seznam skladeb

  1. „The William Tell Overture“ (Rossini, úprava Oldfield) – 3:55
  2. „Blue Peter“ (Oldfield) – 2:07
  3. „Polka“ (tradicionál, úprava Oldfield) – 3:38
  4. „Cuckoo Song“ (Praetorius) – 3:13
  5. „Pipe Tune“ (Oldfield) – 3:23
  6. „Portsmouth“ (tradicionál, úprava Oldfield) – 2:04


  1. Wayback Machine – (anglicky)

         Mike Oldfield
Studiová alba

Tubular BellsHergest RidgeOmmadawnIncantationsPlatinumQE2Five Miles OutCrisesDiscoveryThe Killing FieldsIslands
Earth MovingAmarokHeaven's OpenTubular Bells IIThe Songs of Distant EarthVoyagerTubular Bells IIIGuitarsThe Millennium BellTr3s Lunas
Tubular Bells 2003Light + ShadeMusic of the SpheresMan on the RocksReturn to Ommadawn

  Koncertní alba

The Orchestral Tubular BellsExposed


BoxedImpressionsMike Oldfield's WonderlandMusic WonderlandEpisodesThe Complete Mike OldfieldElements – The Best of Mike Oldfield
Elements: 1973–1991XXV: The EssentialThe Best of Tubular BellsCollectionThe Complete Tubular BellsThe Platinum Collection
The Mike Oldfield Collection 1974–1983IconThe Very Best of Mike OldfieldTubular BeatsMoonlight Shadow: The CollectionThe Best of 1992–2003The 1984 Suite


Take 4The SinglesThe Mike Oldfield EP


Mike Oldfield's SingleDon AlfonsoIn Dulci JubiloPortsmouthWilliam Tell OvertureCuckoo SongGuiltyBlue PeterArrivalShebaFive Miles OutFamily Man
MistakeMoonlight ShadowShadow on the WallCrime of PassionTo FranceTricks of the LightÉtudePictures in the DarkShineIn High Places
IslandsThe Time Has ComeFlying StartMagic TouchEarth MovingInnocentOne Glance Is HolyHeaven's OpenGimme BackSentinelTattooThe Bell
HibernaculumLet There Be LightWomen of IrelandMan in the RainFar Above the CloudsTo Be FreeThou Art in HeavenSpheres


The Essential Mike OldfieldThe Wind ChimesTubular Bells IIElements – The Best of Mike OldfieldTubular Bells IIIThe Art in Heaven ConcertExposedLive at Montreux 1981

    Podobná témata

Richard BransonSally OldfieldTerry OldfieldAnita HegerlandMaggie ReillyThe Sallyangiediskografie Mika Oldfielda